Friday, March 5, 2010

My Rock Career

Update: I can play 3 Beatles songs on bass guitar now, and I'm playing "Final Countdown" on it for orchestra. I think I want to be a rock star when I grow up. OK, scratch that; I know I want to be a rock star when I grow up! Old people keep telling me "Oh, you don't want that kind of attention." Blah blah blah. I've seen all those gossip shows. Look people, if you stopped marrying people for publicity, may be the media would stop latching on to your lives. Like, I know lots of people get divorced, but do you really think it's a coincidence that so many famous people end up in that situation?
So, anyways, that could happen to me, but I'm going to try to avoid it. I'll try to get good attention.
Also, if any of you are looking at the amount of songs I can play like "she's not that good," I know. I'm just looking really far into the future. I get this feeling that my life cannot end up being this boring. I'm just not made for that. I also want you to know that, no, I am not going to do drugs. I have watched way to many anti-drugs clips to go up that street. And I've payed attention to those internet safety videos, too. Sorry, creeps, but you're too late now.
Does any body think I'm using too many italics?
My ice cream is probably liquid now, so I'm going to go.
Stay crazy awesome!

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